Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hunting in Georgetown, Ky

Lynne McPherson called and invited Jan and I out to Georgetown to go hunting.  It was only an hour away from Taylorsville park so off we go.  We get there and Lynne even brought us a friend, to help dig, he was like a "pack mule."  He carried almost all our equipment and wanted to dig!  Todd can come with us anytime!  We went to some friends of Lynne who had a small farm and we let the dogs run around.  Libby got into a wood pile and immediately started baying.  She stayed with it for a while and we started moving some of the larger pieces of wood out the way and found a very large cave-like hole underneath- with off shoots going every which way.   Libby was way in deep.  We could hear what sounded like a raccoon in there and a couple good fights.  Libby came out and she had been bit on the nose by that nasty critter.
my poor little Libby :(

We cleaned Libby's lip, nose and mouth off and cleaned her eyes and let her rest for a while.  So we went walking in the woods on the other side of the farm.  Lynne's little dog (no hunting experience), Ripsy,  jumped in a hole under some roots of a tree and she worked and worked this sette for over an hour.  She put enough pressure on to bolt a raccoon! We were so proud of her and I know Lynne was too! 
Then we went to an old barn and Izzy was going crazy over this large spool of barbed wire.  She wouldn't leave it lone!  We all thought there must be a mouse in there..but OH NOOOOOO!

Izzy looking in the large spool

Mr. Angry Oppossum trying to take a nap in the spool.  Scared me to death when I looked inside expecting to see a little mouse and Mr. O was growling and baring his teeth! 

We went walking around the barn and found what we thought was a ground hog hole.  Izzy went in and started baying and really stuck with it.  We found her about 2 feet in the ground face to face with another Oppossum!  we pulled her out and let Ripsy work the Mr. O.  Ripsy was so funny, she almost did the splits while trying to get in the hole.   It was a fun day had by all!
Izzy had so much fun with the Mr. O in the hole.  She was one dirty little girl!

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